Coaching WisdomTM
Conversational coaching and 'coaching in the corridors' is the focus of the INFORM coaching program. We call it Coaching Wisdom™ because we focus on developing wisdom in the coach and the objective is to coach wisdom into the coachee through the techniques and methods learned in this program.
Manager-as-coach is the key target to participate in this program. It can be seen as an aspect of leadership development for managers at any level within an organization.
Every day managers have 'coaching opportunities' through questions from their team, phone calls looking for clarification, customer service situations and problem solving scenarios. Coaching WisdomTM develops the skill set to be conversational in coaching style and effective in drawing out the intelligence and wisdom of the person they are encouraging or coaching.
We have found that when a manager coaches when the opportunity arises, rather than setting up formal appointments for coaching, the performance management and guidance of professional development can be a seamless experience in the work day. This 'coaching in the corridors' approach is very time effective and efficient when managing a team.
Within Coaching WisdomTM we also set up the provision and processes to conduct a formal coaching process, which is orientated around appointments and coaching conversations between manager and team member.
It is assumed that participants are managers who are required to performance manage and support the professional and personal development of individuals in their team.
- You as a coach - identity and performance
- What it takes to be an effective coach in how you think, establish your perception of yourself, role definition and job identity
- Relationship Building
- The key to any coaching relationship is based on how a relationship is built between manager and coachee
- Managing Performance
- Techniques to inspire, encourage and support superior performance
- Tools to give effective feedback and performance management techniques
- Quantifying and qualifying performance
- Coaching Conversations
- Structures for coaching conversations so they are outcome orientated
- Language & Questioning
- Using a conversation to draw out the best in others and to develop their innovation, creativity and thinking capabilities
- Questioning to really understand how they think and process
- Dealing with Emotions & Difficult Situations
- Techniques to work with emotions and challenging situations when the human element takes over business process
- Strategy Thinking & Problem Solving
- Models and tools to develop stronger strategic thinking and problem solving capabilities
- Work - Life Balance
- Addressing the 'whole' person and applying techniques to support stronger 'work - life' balance
Participants will be able to:
- Have a tool kit of techniques and tools to use when coaching
- Have greater confidence and ability when coaching and doing professional development with their team
- Apply the coaching process to themselves for their own professional development
- Understand people better so they can relate and coach them more effectively, as well as appreciate and utilise diversity better
- Be more subtle when coaching so it can occur in the 'corridor' and in ad-hoc situations, rather than in a formal coaching setting
- Be more confident and effective when working with team members who may have been in the organisation longer or be more academically qualified or older
- Understand new team members quicker and relate to them better
- Coach and work with performance management issues more effectively
- Be more confident in the process and skills of coaching and hence more likely to make time and do it with their team
- Ask better questions so understanding is accurate and comprehensive
- Focus on understanding the team members and drawing out their solution, rather than jumping in and giving the answer
- Solve problems by asking questions and getting the team member to come up with the solution
- Have more fun coaching, take a higher profile leadership role and build a stronger team through coaching conversations